
SIP-25: Relaunch Sperax Liquidity Pools Through Demeter

Sperax by 0xf005329d4E8CD0D4f908542289Fca04960AB49FF on
December 14, 2022, 9:49 PM

SIP-25: Relaunch Sperax Liquidity Pools Through Demeter Author(s): Sperax Core Team Reference: N/A Created: 12/12/22 Labels: #LiquidityMining

Simple Summary

This SIP proposes moving the USDC - USDs and SPA - USDs farms to the Demeter protocol. These farms will continue at the same SPA emissions rate.


In order to improve the overall experience for Demeter users and traders, we will house all future Sperax farms on the Demeter page. This action will require users to unstake from the current farms and restake in the new Demeter farms with updated price ranges.


Currently Sperax primary liquidity pools are advertised on app.sperax.io/farms and the LP tokens are staked in stand-alone farm contracts. This fragments the user experience because currently, investors are required to check both https://demeter.sperax.io and https://app.sperax.io/farm to find all available farms.

Moving USDC / USDs and SPA / USDs farm to a Demeter managed launched farm, advertised on demeter.sperax.io, makes the most sense from a UX standpoint.


Funded via the bootstrapping liquidity budget, 140,000 SPA/week is provided to the USDC/USDs pool and 550,000 SPA/week to the SPA/USDs pool. These emissions will be redirected to the new USDC/USDs and SPA/USDs demeter pools at the same emission rate for an improved UX.

Moving liquidity pools to one site will reduce any fragmentation within the Sperax ecosystem. The objective is to create one venue where both DAOs and investors liquidity needs can be serviced. After this proposal all liquidity pools will be on one site.

Once all liquidity pools are hosted on one landing page, users can onramp liquidity, deposit liquidity into pools and collect rewards all in one destination.

Technical Specification

Incentive Size: Continue at 140,000 SPA/week USDC/USDs and 550,000 SPA/week SPA/USDs

Funding: Bootstrapping liquidity budget.


Exercise caution when exploring DAO proposals. Proposals can be submitted by any member of the community so there's an inherent risk of encountering scams or deceptive links. Always critically assess the validity of each proposal and its links before taking action.
December 14, 2022
9:49 PM
December 17, 2022
9:49 PM

Voting type

Final Votes

40.8M veSPA
9.7K veSPA