Author(s): Twitter user @AvaxGems Reference: Forum Discussion Created: 10/07/22 Labels: #LiquidityMining
On Oct 6th, SPA/USDs trading volume did over $430K in 24 hours, 4th most among all Arbitrum native tokens only behind GMX, DPX, and rDPX. However, these three tokens each has at least $5.9M liquidity on-chain, and SPA only has around $450K at the moment. Low on-chain liquidity has been a known issue for the SPA token, many investors hesitated to invest in SPA, and low on-chain liquidity has been their main concern. This proposal suggests increasing the SPA/USDs liquidity mining incentives by 50% to deepen its liquidity on Arbitrum.
Bring more SPA liquidity on Arbitrum, encourage on chain trading, and interacting with the Sperax protocol.
Increase the total SPA rewards to the SPA/USDs farm from the current 373.33K per week to 560K. Aiming for around 120-150% no lockup APR, 225-275% lockup APR, or at least $1M liquidity on Arbitrum.
Yes: Approve increasing SPA/USDs UniV3 farm emission by 50% immediately
No: Reject increasing SPA/USDs UniV3 farm emission