The YSR will create a more stable return profile for GLP. The reasons are provided in the governance proposal referenced below.
It should be noted that YSR applies independently to each GLP and does not apply to GMX staking. The proposal does not change the share of overall fees distributable over time to GLP which remains at 70% of fees.
Based on community feedback two versions of YSR are being proposed for consideration. The first involves a fixed 20% APR hurdle for capturing and distributing a portion of the YSR to stabilize fee distribution and the second has a dynamic rate initially set at 20% for the first month and subsequently based on the lower of the average natural fee earnings in the prior month or 20% APR.
You will have the option to vote for either proposal or Against. If the two YSR proposals collectively receive over 50% support the one with more votes will be implemented, if Against gain over 50% support, the existing system will remain unchanged.
This proposal is for immediate effect on the conclusion of the vote.