In response to the need for enhancing security measures, we propose the onboarding of DeDaub, a renowned security services firm, to assist the ADPC. This proposal outlines the scope of DeDaub's engagement and the budget required from the ADPC’s funds.
DeDaub will be responsible for: Crafting Technical and Business Requirements: They will develop the specifications for the Request for Proposal (RFP) directed towards potential security service providers. Whitelisting Assistance: Over a period of four weeks, DeDaub will aid the ADPC in evaluating responses to the RFP and whitelisting suitable security service providers.
DeDaub is a security services firm with a significant track record, having conducted over 200 audits across 14 different blockchain platforms, including partnerships with major entities like the Ethereum Foundation and Chainlink.
The total budget request (which will be taken from the ADPC’s current Multi-sig and will not require further extraction of funds from the ArbitrumDAO Treasury) for engaging DeDaub and ensuring operational flexibility for the ADPC is 22,000 ARB, broken down as follows:
The compensation for DeDaub is considered fair given the market rates for Security SMEs and the specialized nature of the services. The operational buffer is essential for maintaining the ADPC’s effectiveness without frequent DAO approvals for minor expenditures.
This proposal requires the DAO’s confirmation via a Snapshot vote to allocate funds from the ADPC’s Multi-Sig wallet, which holds the necessary budget as part of the initial endowment. This action is needed due to the absence of prior explicit approval for these specific expenditures in the original DAO vote.
DeDaub, by providing these services, will be excluded from participating as a contender in the RFP, ensuring no conflicts of interest in the selection process of security service providers.
The ADPC strongly believes that the onboarding of DeDaub and the approval of the proposed budget are critical steps toward enhancing our security infrastructure and maintaining the integrity of the ADPC's operations. We urge the DAO members to approve this proposal to facilitate timely and efficient execution of these essential tasks.