Liqudity Incentives - Round 3
Continue incentives for the OD-ETH position on Camelot
See forum discussion
Duration: 2 months 2024-12-19 00:00:00 to 2025-02-19 00:00:00 Total budget: 17,000 ODG (8,500 ODG per month)
1% of incentives goes to the Camelot team automatically
LPs no longer need to use the Gamma position manager, thanks to the new incentives tool on Camelot. Incentives are now distributed based on fees earned, read more here:
The OD-ETH v3 pool is selected because it is used by the protocol oracle to determine the market price of OD.
Analytics: Pool:
on the campaignFactory contract with the proposed parameters
token address, // 0x000D636bD52BFc1B3a699165Ef5aa340BEA8939c
pool address, // 0x824959a55907d5350e73e151Ff48DabC5A37a657
incentives uint256, // 17000000000000000000000
startTime uint48, // 1734570000
duration uint48, // 60 days
incentiveType uint8, // 0 for DENY_LIST
address[], // [0x7A528eA3E06D85ED1C22219471Cf0b1851943903] TimelockController
rewardsOptions bytes // 0x0000000000
cast calldata "create(address,address,uint256,uint48,uint48,uint8,address[],bytes)" 0x000D636bD52BFc1B3a699165Ef5aa340BEA8939c 0x824959a55907d5350e73e151Ff48DabC5A37a657 17000000000000000000000 1734570000 60 0 '[0x7A528eA3E06D85ED1C22219471Cf0b1851943903]' 0x0000000000