Getting the Marketing + Growth Workstream funded will allow the team, and ultimately contributors to get involved with growing the DAO as soon as possible. This is a proposal to fund the Marketing + Growth Workstream’s anticipated budget until December 2021. For the proposal to establish the workstream, see here: https://forum.shapeshift.com/t/proposing-the-marketing-growth-workstream/415/11
Here is the link for the Marketing + Growth Workstream Kickoff call on 8/18/2021: https://vimeo.com/589043364
Here are the slides from the kickoff call. Please note that the structure has changed significantly due to DAO suggestions - please read the first link for details. The DAO works: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1u36Ou_5k3E7zfgqTBHEb1zwwVF3vHyxXFrJBH0M-5CM/edit#slide=id.ge48ff8efd6_0_616
Requested Funding:
The budget is designed with these conditions in mind:
Any unused funds at the end of the 4 month timeframe will be returned to the DAO with a report released to the community that details where all funds were sent and spent. No funding will be rolled over into the subsequent 4 month marketing period, so that the risk to the DAO of a budget ballooning is mitigated completely. There is now essentially no risk to funding the M+G Workstream, as any unused funds will be promptly returned to the DAO and funding reapplied for.
This workstream intends to benefit from a global talent pool. Current best thinking is that we should hire the most talented individual for every role. Someone in Barcelona could be just as qualified to perform Email Marketing as someone in California, and may cost half the price - which would ultimately make more funding available to the larger DAO community to accomplish projects. This is expressed by grouping all salaries into a bucket instead of by role, every applicant for a full time position can propose a salary that they feel is fair for their contributions. This also represents the MAX CAP for full time salaries. No salary that would push the total figure above the $47,417 requested will be accepted without an amended request to the DAO.
The M+G Workstream will not artificially inflate any salary to utilize the full budget.
Any unused funding earmarked for salary will be rolled over into the bounty pool, and available for the community to propose projects against. The intent is to move as much funding into the Bounties / DAO Contributor Rewards line item. Then, the funding follows rule #1 above.
A note that @huntthewick asked me to pass on. He feels uncomfortable accepting 2 salaried positions, and thus he will be renouncing his previous funding granted by the CMod workstream, and his salary will be fully paid out of the M+G Workstream. He will continue to work his CMod function alongside @giantkin for an indeterminate amount of time, since his responsibilities overlap nicely with CMod responsibilities.
The previous proposal by @huntthewick to fund Community Structure / Support will be absorbed by this workstream. It will not move to voting, and those tasks will be completed in this workstream. Check it out here for details.
Once established, the marketing + growth workstream will have three full time contributors:
Workstream Leader - @PeteCoin Director of Growth Marketing - @Toasty Community Growth Manager - @huntthewick Email Marketing / Copywriter - Open Position Job description for the open role to be released shortly after the workstream is voted on and accepted, as well as funded.
Reasoning: Why is this structure being proposed?
First, Read this Link: https://forum.shapeshift.com/t/proposing-the-marketing-growth-workstream/415/11
Second, check out the dataset we’re going to be using to track results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-W8-XsGQcuwv8MuNRnmqBOxha7_hEHmQcoSxJ8CvlaM/edit#gid=534785285
Essentially, I reviewed the data in the second link with a goal of: “How can we continue to maintain channels that showed strong metrics previously, that also fit into a DAO structure?”
This structure is defined as: 1) can be paid for in crypto 2) recognizes the value of the ShapeShift brand and leverages it for the benefit of the DAO - and by maintaining that leverage may grow the brand. 3) is inherently collaborative, human driven, and lends itself to the philosophy described in link one. (Product-led growth, AIO/TLV focus, community growth and empowerment, being the SSO for all web3 defi and deliver mutually beneficial yield opportunities to our users)
The channels that stood out, that met the above criteria are:
Social Media Marketing Community / Affiliate / Referral Marketing Email Marketing, with a focus on user retention / activation PR - which @lindsaylou is crushing and will continue to crush for months to come. Furthermore, its clear to me that Product-Led is the correct path, because the data shows extremely strong correlation, if not outright statistical significance, when we track results to product launches. See for yourself in the link above regarding dataset.
July 2021: we launch the DAO, we have the most MAU ever recorded since I started. Once the hype begins to taper, metrics go right back to baselines. January 2021: we integrate 0x and other DEX aggregators into the app, second highest MAU ever recoded. Taper back to baseline in the 3 months afterward. July/August 2020: we launch the ShapeShift Mobile App, and make self custody f*cking easy. MAU pops and follows the trend to baseline. I believe that being product-led, and continuing to tell the story of how ShapeShift is a DAO that is actually accomplishing a ton of work, and the community is a huge part of that is going to be a key factor to continued success.