Why should people use this workstream? What is it for?
The Engineering Workstream will be used for a couple purposes:
First, fund the hiring of a set of full-time “core developers”. Initially, this will include a set of engineers that are currently full time ShapeShift employees. How many is yet to be determined.
This Core Developer will have the following priorities:
Note that priorities may change, but the intent is to coordinate resources for maximum impact on DAO productivity.
Second, funds approved for bounty work may be delegated to this workstream. This will support the coordination of multiple potential dev efforts.
How exactly is this different than the other categories we already have?
There are no other workstreams being considered to hire full time engineers and coordinate the overall development effort.
What is the mission of this workstream? To support a thriving open source development community and a decentralized infrastructure delivery effort. We are building a quality software product that delights and empowers our users and gives them sovereign protection of their crypto. We do this with decentralized back-end services and a web and mobile front-end.
What are the goals of this workstream?
What metrics can this workstream’s success be measured against?
What should topics in this category generally contain?
Do we need this category? Can we merge with another category, or subcategory?
I don’t see a way around having this category.
Dependencies on other Workstreams
Will your workstream hold recurring meetings?
Workstream will hold recurring meetings. Twice a month public demos will be held. Eventually weekly workstream kickoff meetings will he held on Mondays. It is expected that subgroups in the workstream may have their own recurring meetings as well. And bounty projects may have their own recurring meetings.
Term for Workstream Leader A yes vote on this proposal assigns Josh Forman as the workstream leader until Feb 28, 2022.
Voting For this Proposal: Creates the Engineering Workstream as defined here and assigns Josh Forman as the workstream leader until Feb 28, 2022.
Voting Against this Proposal: Causes no action to occur.