Initiative to begin the development of a comprehensive and streamlined repository of guides, visual media, documents, articles, blogs, and anything in between that one could find helpful in getting to know about ShapeShift, its services, the DAO, the FOX token, and the various ways to participate in the governance or DeFi aspect of FOX.
These crucial documents will then be translated on a rolling-basis to various languages of particular interest, staying true to our ethos of decentralization while increasing interest and demand for the FOX token.
This proposal was taken into heavy consideration for weeks and improvised several times. The initial polling showed considerable support for the original proposal.
ShapeShift is an organization with a colorful history, highly respected leaders in the blockchain industry, and various top-of-the-line product/service offerings. As the company transitions into a fully decentralized organization, it is up to us, the community, to remain organized and efficient.
Information, the preservation of information, and the systematic process of sharing information has been the glue of human civilization and is arguably one of the most important functions in any organization, whether it be a for-profit corporation or a team of lawyers working on a case.
ShapeShift at the moment does not have an adequate information management system that is suitable for a DAO. Information is fragmented throughout a chaotic mix of channels: main website, Boardroom and Discourse, YouTube/Vimeo, docs and FAQs for each services, and a Zendesk. Each serve their own purpose in their respective areas, but this fragmentation of data leads to inconsistencies, confusion, errors, and in severe cases, security threats.
More Reading:
I do not see a reason to delay the translation of documents for key languages where FOX would most benefit. To continue to ignore the international community would be ignorance on our part, and would not be in line with our ethos and core beliefs of true decentralization.
Information is power only if you can take action with it. Then, and only then, does it represent knowledge and, consequently, power. - Daniel Burrus
To add on to Burrus' quote, today's technology allows us to use information in efficient, smart, and seemingly magical ways that was never thought possible. It is a well-studied fact that good information management systems benefit enterprises tremendously. This workstream's attempt to collect and store all ethical and legal data pertaining to the DAO may also prove to be a great case study for future companies to study, as a company of this size and revenue deciding to decentralize all operations is a first.
ShapeShift ... demonstrated how an old business could operate in a brand new way because of the properties of cryptocurrencies. Erik Voorhees, September 2015
And while ShapeShift is once again on a mission to prove this statement for a second time, it does not mean that the basic principles of business management should be thrown out the window. In fact, as a DAO it should be taken even more seriously as “decentralized” is likely to increase “unorganized” practices.
The goal is to carefully vet and select qualified community members or anyone seeking to participate in our DAO as a contributing member that are qualified to speak, translate, and answer questions in key languages. The languages of particular interest are: Russian, Chinese, German, Korean, Japanese, and Spanish. These six languages were selected by a quick analysis of purchasing power, crypto adoption per capita, and innovation index in blockchain development outside of English speaking countries.
The languages are not fixed, rather fluid and will likely be filled in at different times depending on availability and demand. As new international members are added, new languages sections should be created in Discord and Discourse, which will become the responsibility of the language leader to stay engaged in.
Preliminary specs, development goals, and vision for the FoxDoc Repo can be read in depth here (will be constantly updated).
Remember, "Content is King” — Bill Gates, 1996
Finally, without further ado — VOTING
REGARDLESS OF HOW YOU VOTE, ALL VOTERS WILL BE REWARDED AN "I VOTED" STYLE NFT. This should NOT influence you in any way on what to vote, but it is an experiment we are conducting to see how we can improve voter turnout and community engagement on the governance side. The NFT should be epic (no, it's not literally a graphic that says I voted), so please read the proposal carefully and let's DAO it!