This is a proposal for the Arbitrum Short-Term Incentives Program, you can find the details of this specific protocol’s proposal in the forum link attached below.
The Arbitrum Short-Term Incentive Program comprises up to a 50,000,000 ARB budget earmarked for incentive grants for eligible protocols.
To succeed, an application must reach a 71.51M ARB Quorum and receive more than 50% of votes in favor of the proposal.
Successful applicants will receive funding following coordination with the Arbitrum Foundation and the STIP-ARB multisig. Funding is dependent upon completion of each applicant's KYC and signing of the Arbitrum Foundation grant agreement form.
Funding will be allocated on a per-grant basis dependent upon the amount of votes in favor of each proposal until the 50,000,000 ARB budget has been exhausted.