Deploy a HOP bridge to Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, and Gnosis Chain.
HOP has the potential to be a uniquely efficient bridge token. A HOP bridge can be deployed without AMMs, improving capital efficiency and eliminating slippage. Instead, the hToken produced by the HOP bridge that would be known as hHop can be enshrined as the canonical HOP on each supported network. With this setup, the HOP bridge can directly mint and burn the canonical HOP tokens on each network, and there is no need to swap between hHOP and HOP.
A HOP bridge will need a HOP bonder with enough liquidity for efficient bridging. Hop Labs would be willing to temporarily fill the role of the bonder until another bonder is available or the bonder role is fully permissionless.
Make HOP available for bridging on all supported networks for broader availability.
Yes - Deploy a HOP bridge
No - No action