[SCP-104] Outsource the DAO’s Responsible Disclosure Program to HackenProof | closed | off-chain | 200 | Yes | 835 days ago |
[Ideation] Create a new FOX-XDAI Regen Farm to incentivize liquidity on Gnosis Chain | closed | off-chain | 200 | I support this proposal | 836 days ago |
[Ideation] Pre-authorize $500,000 FOX purchase or creation of LP tokens | closed | off-chain | 200 | I support this proposal | 836 days ago |
[SCP-103] Sponsor a booth at ETH Denver 2023 | closed | off-chain | 200 | In Favor | 841 days ago |
[SCP-101] Migrate Forum and Ideation to Metaforo | closed | off-chain | 200 | For - Migrate the DAO’s forum an | 847 days ago |
[SCP-100] Engineering Workstream Budget Renewal September 2022 | closed | off-chain | 200 | FOR | 851 days ago |
[Ideation] [SCP-99] Addendum to SCP-91: Proposal for @Tyler | ShapeShift to become interim Marketing Workstream Leader | closed | off-chain | 200 | For | 858 days ago |
[SCP-93] Request for additional allocation of FOX tokens to the TMDC | closed | off-chain | 200 | YES | 877 days ago |
[SCP-71] Proposal to Create the KeepKey Workstream | closed | off-chain | 200 | Fund the workstream | 969 days ago |
SCP-73: FOX – GIV Treasury Swap and Liquidity Provision | closed | off-chain | 200 | YES - Swap Tokens with Giveth | 972 days ago |